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Indian River Marina


Fishing Report 4/20/2023

Written on: April 21st, 2023 in Fishing Report

Happy Spring Everyone!!!   We are back and testing out our Fishing Blog for the season 🙂

The Marina is open 7 days a week!!! Check out our website for hours, events and news!!

We hope to have some good fishing reports over the weekend!






Till next time Tight Lines and Great Times are ahead!!


Fishing Report for 7/7/22

Written on: July 7th, 2022 in Fishing Report

Finally we are back online with our fishing reports!!!  What a summer we have had here at IRM.

The Kids Catch Tournament held on June 25 & 26 was awesome with 151 anglers entered.  They sure did bring a ton of fish back to the docks.  We will be able to post some pics shortly so keep a close eye out.  Last weekend we held the IRM slip-holders Tuna Blast with 20 boats entered and everyone hitting the docks with some nice fish.

Offshore has been picking up this last week with Yellowfin, Bluefin and even a few Big Eye Tunas.  The sharks have been thick so alot of the Tunas are getting eaten before getting to the boats!!  There have been some scattered Mahi landed as well and nice catches of Tilefish have been brought to our docks.

Inshore and in the Inlet we have seen Flounder, Seabass, Trout, Triggerfish, Rockfish kind of a mixed bag out there.

Be sure to give us a call at 302-227-3071 and get hooked up with one of our Charters or Headboats.  Ms. Carolyn will be glad to assist you on booking a trip of your dreams.


Till next time Tight Lines and Great Times ahead!!!!


Fishing Report 2/21/22

Written on: February 21st, 2022 in Fishing Report

Welcome to 2022 Everyone!!!


We sure have missed you all.  The Staff at IRM has been very busy this winter on many projects throughout the Marina and Cottages.  We had a booth at the OC Boat Show over the weekend which brought in record crowds.  We have an extensive waitlist for all size vessels including Charters so if you are interested or thinking about purchasing a boat or changing the size of vessel you currently have please contact the office to get your name on the waitlist.

We have not heard about much action out on the water except for the hundreds of Bluefins that were caught down in North Carolina.  But, that season is closed and now we can get ready for a great 2022 fishing year at IRM.

We have some events coming up for the 2022 season and will be posting all of them soon.  Here is a sneak peek.

7th Annual Kids Catch-All Tournament June 24, 25, and 26.  Visit the website at for more info

Fishermen’s Flea Market September 10, 2022, 9:00am-2:00pm  Call or email the marina office for more info or booth sign up

Autumn Art Festival September 17, 2022, 10:00am-5:00pm  Call or email the marina office for more info or booth sign-up spaces limited.

Till the weather breaks Tight Lines and Better Times!!!



Fishing Report for 9/24/21

Written on: September 23rd, 2021 in Fishing Report

Well for most of this week all the boats have been tied tight to the docks due to the weather.  It looks like we will get a great weekend and hope the fish will cooperate.

Over the last couple weeks we were seeing catches of Yellowfin and Bigeye Tuna hitting the docks.  We weighed in a 444 lb Blue Marlin which brought in some excitement.  There has been plenty of Mahi landed as well.

Inshore the Flounder have been plentiful and we are still seeing some nice Seabass.

There are plenty of fish to be hooked so please give us a call and we will get you lined up for a great day of fishing.  302-227-3071.

Till next time Tight Lines & Better Times ahead!!!


Fishing Report for 8/21/21

Written on: August 21st, 2021 in Fishing Report

Fishing has been great the last couple weeks and it seems to be staying that way.  There have been lots of exciting tournaments and tons of fish weighed in for all of them.

Offshore we have seen White & Blue Marlin releases.  The Mid-Atlantic Tournament which just ended yesterday saw a 1,135 lb Blue Marlin at the Scale!!  WOW!!!  what a fish!  We have seen Mahi, Wahoo, Yellowfin and Bigeye Tuna all hitting our docks daily.

Inshore reports of Sea Bass, Flounder, Croaker it seems as though there is plenty of fish to be landed.  So give us a call and get hooked on your own charter of a lifetime at 302-227-3071.   Ask for Carolyn she will get you all rigged up with one of our Charters.

Don’t forget the Fishermen’s Flea Market Sunday September 5th 2021 from 9:00am -2:00pm.   There will be plenty of goodies to choose from or rent a space for $20.00 and bring all your new and old fishing gear that is stuffing your sheds and garage.  🙂  Call 302-227-3071 for more information.

Till next time Tight Lines & Better Times ahead!!!


Fishing Report For 7/19/21

Written on: July 19th, 2021 in Fishing Report

The weather and fishing has been great here at IRM.  There are plenty of Big Tournaments coming up in Ocean City and Delaware so check out the Coastal Fishermen for more info.

Offshore our boats are landing Yellowfin Tunas, Mahi and some scattered Bigeye Tuna. White Marlin and even some Blue Marlins are beginning to show up.  We have seen some beautiful and good eating Tilefish as well.

Inshore are docks are seeing Seabass, Flounder, Croaker, Triggerfish some scattered Rockfish here and there.

Forgive our lack of Pics as we have all been very short staffed.

Give us a call at 302-227-3071 and let us get you hooked on your own private charter.

Till next time Tight Lines & Good Times!!!!


Fishing Report for 6/28/21

Written on: June 28th, 2021 in Fishing Report

The Fishing is red HOT!!!  

Offshore there are great catches of Yellowfin and a few scattered BIGeye Tuna.  We had some nice Mahi hit the docks and a few White Marlin Releases.  Inshore reporting a nice mix of keeper Flounders, Triggerfish, Sheepshead, Croakers, Spot, Seabass and some Tog.  It was a very exciting weekend with Sunday ending the 6th Annual Kids Catch Tournament.  With over 100 kids with lines in the water it was a very excited successful weekend with loads of food, fun and prizes for all.  Check out the web-site for the latest results and pics!!!

Pics courtesy of Hook’em & Cook’em

Till next time Tight LInes & Good Times !!!!


Fishing Report for 6/10/21

Written on: June 10th, 2021 in Fishing Report

The weather and fishing have been great!!!  Offshore Bluefin and some Yellowfin Tuna have shown up and everyone has been hitting the docks with good catches.  Inshore and in the Inlet we are seeing some spotty Rockfish catches, Sea Trout and Seabass.  Here are a few pics from this week of fishing.

Fishing trips are booking up fast so please call Carolyn at 302-227-3071 and she will help you get hooked up with one of our Captains for a great day of Fishing!!!

Don’t forget to get the kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews signed up for the Kid’s Catch Tournament registration is on or before June 25th and Fishing days are June 25th and 26th.  No one will go home empty handed.  Check out the web-site for more info or call the Marina Office at 302-227-3071.

Till next time Tight Lines & Good Times !!!!

Pictures are a courtesy of Hook’em and Cook’em Bait and Tackle located here at IRM.


Fishing Report for 5/10/21

Written on: May 10th, 2021 in Fishing Report

Finally, we have some fish hitting our docks.  The weather has not been great and the water is warming up slowly but some have headed out and landed some nice catches.

Great Pics courtesy of Hook’em and Cook’em!!!   Our Charter Fleet is booking up fast so give Carolyn a call and she can get you hooked up with the Fleet for a great day of Fishing.

Please pic up a brochure at the Marina or any local tackle shop for the 6th Annual Kid’s Catch Tournament being held June 25, 26 and 27 2021 we are super excited to have things getting back to a new normal.

Till next Time Tight Lines and Great Times ahead!!



Fishing Report for 4/22/21

Written on: April 22nd, 2021 in Fishing Report

Happy Spring to Everyone!  We sure are ready to do some Fishing!!!

Not a lot of action yet although we have had some Tog and a couple small Rockfish landed.  It looks like the water is warming up and the weather will hopefully begin to cooperate.

The 6th Annual Kid’s Catch All will be held on June 25, 26 and 27th.  Entry forms can be found online at .  You can also stop by the Marina Office or any of the local tackle shops.  This is a great event for the kid’s. After canceling last year due to COVID it seems everyone is ready to get back out on water and bring their catch to the dock to see who will be the big trophy winners!!!

There is a list of all of our events planned for the 2021 season.  Of course things subjected to change as we all are use to by now and Covid restrictions and all guidelines will be followed.   🙂

Let’s hope for some better fishing day ahead till next report

Tight Lines & Better Times for ALL!!!!!
